An AI generated image depicting a ghost writing. It complimnets the blog, How Industry Leaders Use Ghostwriters to Publish Content.

Behind the Byline: How Industry Leaders Use Ghostwriters to Churn Out Content

That big name in your industry that consistently publishes articles and opinion pieces on LinkedIn or other reputable tabloids. Or your favourite authors with a sack full of published books to their name. Chances are they have a ghostwriter. 

Ghostwriting has been around for a long time. It’s how busy professionals and industry leaders who have extensive knowledge of a particular topic or niche share their perspectives and ideas and cement their authority in their field of expertise.  

To establish yourself as an authority and leader in your industry, you have to consistently publish thought leadership articles and opinion pieces about topics and trends in your field. This not only establishes you as a trusted voice but also helps you expand your influence and network within and outside your niche.

But you’re a busy executive with a truckload of tasks. You barely have the time for your hobbies, let alone sit down to share your opinion on a trending topic in your industry. Yet, you see colleagues with the same responsibilities as you having their names appear in articles in reputable tabloids, and you wonder how they do it. The thing is, they have the smarts to hire a ghostwriter.

Who exactly is a ghostwriter?

A ghostwriter is a person whose job it is to write material for someone else who is the named author. It could be a non-fiction book, a personal story like a memoir or autobiography, LinkedIn articles, etc. The ghostwriter does the writing while the person who paid them is named as the author.  

Is ghostwriting legal and ethical?

You might also ask whether this is even legal or ethical. Yes, ghostwriting is legal as it constitutes an outsourced service. Ghostwriting is only illegal when it involves writing academic papers, doing assignments, and academic research for another person. However, one can outsource other forms of writing, such as articles, books, and novels. As a matter of fact, celebrities like Will Smith and Prince Harry publicly acknowledge their ghostwriters.

Why you need a ghostwriter  

  • You don’t have the time  

Writing is taxing. You must plan your outline, research your key concepts, write, rewrite and edit. But as a leader or busy executive, you likely don’t have time for this. A ghostwriter takes the bulk of work off you by being the medium through which you express your ideas. They interview you, record your thoughts and story, note down your ideas, and then write and expand on this. Hiring a ghostwriter saves you time and allows you to focus on other important things. Ghostwriters can also produce brilliant content quickly because of their years of expertise honing the skills to write with exceptional speed and accuracy.

  • Writing isn’t your forte  

It takes skills and expertise to be a writer, honed over years. While anyone can write, not everyone can present ideas clearly and compellingly. Your ideas mean little if you cannot communicate them intelligibly. Your story won’t achieve the desired impact if you don’t craft a compelling narrative. Using a ghostwriter helps ensure your ideas and story are communicated effectively.  

  • Helps you expand on key concepts   

Ghostwriters’ strong interview skills help elucidate your ideas. Their expertise also allows them to grasp key concepts quickly and expound on them through research.  

How to work with a ghostwriter

  • Find a good one   

There are self-proclaimed experts online, so referrals, recommendations, and reviews are best for hiring a ghostwriter. Speak to someone who has used one and ask them to recommend theirs. Keep in mind that writing and style are nuanced. Your ghostwriter should know the topic. For example, if writing on medicine, find one with a medical background. As a ghostwriter, I pride myself on my broad knowledge because I’m a curious person who reads widely, but I would never take an assignment in core science; my strengths are in thought leadership, psychology, humanities and personal development. I’m also more comfortable writing for B2B and B2C brands.  

  • Cooperate with them   

Work quality depends on how well you cooperate. They will interview you, so make time for this. Be transparent and clear about what you want. Good ghostwritten content should sound like you, in a tone and voice that is uniquely yours. Communicate clearly, so this comes across.  

  • Prepare a contract  

Ghostwriting is legal business, so once you’ve found someone, draft a contract detailing fees, scope, and timeline. This protects all parties.

If you want to speak to a ghostwriter, you’re in the right place. Send me a quick message to discuss collaborating.

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